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A Better Way Forward: 2024 Immigration Principles

These principles reflect our deeply rooted values as a nation. We believe these are vital principles for any leader working for an orderly, secure and humane immigration system — especially amid an election year. 

For a better immigration system in the United States, we must: 

  1. Show compassion and justice to longtime residents, including Dreamers, by allowing them an opportunity to earn lawful status and citizenship.
  2. Continue our moral leadership in the world as a welcoming and compassionate nation that offers refuge to the persecuted.
  3. Honor the human dignity of all people through our words and actions.
  4. Address the need for safety and security on the border and in our communities. Promote community trust and safety by focusing immigration enforcement on threats to public safety and national security and preserving federal leadership in setting immigration enforcement policy.
  5. Enable fair and orderly legal immigration that continues to solidify our global economic leadership. Modernize laws to reduce backlogs and improve work visa programs for current and future workers.
  6. Defend the longstanding constitutional principle of birthright citizenship. 

Click here to learn about how leaders are highlighting our principles and welcoming immigrants in their communities.

Click here to show your support for A Better Way Forward on Immigration and our 2024 Immigration Principles.

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