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Latest DACA Ruling Yet Another Reminder We Need Permanent Solutions — Now

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The following is a statement from Ali Noorani, President and CEO of the National Immigration Forum, in response to U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen’s determination that Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is unlawful and suspension of new applications:

“While it stops short of immediately ending DACA protections for current recipients, Judge Hanen’s decision only compounds the uncertainty that Dreamers face — and the urgency of a permanent legislative solution. DACA recipients and other Dreamers are working, studying and contributing to the only home many of them have ever known — and nearly one million of them have worked in essential industries as we respond and recover from a devastating pandemic.

“Fortunately, permanent legislation for Dreamers has overwhelming public, bipartisan support. The policy solutions are there — now we just need the political will.”

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