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Evangelical Leaders Call for Legal Path for Dreamers


Click here for a recording of today’s press call

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today Southern Baptist leaders and a North Carolina Dreamer urged Congress to allow recipients of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) to stay in the United States.

The following are quotes from speakers on today’s call:

Jose Ocampo, Evangelical Christian DACA Recipient and Student, Wingate University, North Carolina:
“Not granting a pathway to a legalized status means removing and ruining the lives of almost 800,000 young adults who have grown to love and call this country home. To cancel DACA would be to take away the opportunity of hardworking and innovative individuals who only want to see their home flourish.”

Walter Strickland, 1st Vice President, Southern Baptist Convention:
“Nearly 800,000 immigrants find themselves in a place of uncertainty and insecurity that is not a result of their own action. Dreamers, those who were brought to the United States as children and have no other home than America, are people of good faith who willingly submitted to criminal screenings to remain contributing members of society. With twin Christian convictions to uphold the law and promote human flourishing in view, I join the ranks of many others who advocate for Congress to provide long-term protections for these valuable assets to our country.”

Travis Wussow, Vice President for Public Policy and General Counsel, Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention:
“This is a justice issue for us because the Bible is clear that we don’t hold children accountable for the actions of their parents. This is also a human dignity issue because very person, regardless of where they were born, is an image bearer of God. We need to be able to ensure that our immigration policies, top to bottom, are pro-family.”

To interview speakers, please contact Cathleen Farrell.


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