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Border Security & Management Framework

Migration patterns have changed in recent decades, creating a new reality that requires action from the United States Congress. We have seen increases in migration at the southern border, and these increases may no longer be temporary.

We must support policies that prioritize security and order at the southern border, while maintaining humanitarian protections for those who have a valid asylum claim and treating migrants with respect.

That’s why we worked with key partners, including the Niskanen Center, Hispanic Leadership Fund, Mormon Women for Ethical Government, State Business Executives, Association of Equipment Manufacturers, and Border Perspective, all of which are members of the Alliance for a New Immigration Consensus, to propose a Border Security & Management Framework, which includes four key proposals that address current border challenges and proposed improvements that would create a more secure, efficient, and humane process.

Read the full framework here, and read the summary below.


The framework has four sections that address current border challenges and proposed improvements. They include:

Asylum – Modernize the United States asylum process by creating a specialized corps of asylum officers with the authority to adjudicate most claims at the border within 45-60 days.
Personnel, Technology, & Operations – Provide the personnel and resources to adequately secure U.S. borders and process asylum claims.
Fentanyl and Illicit Substance Interdiction – Support investments in programs and technology to stop the flow of illicit fentanyl and other illicit substances into the U.S.
Stopping Human Smuggling & Trafficking – Update federal law and processes to better respond to human smuggling and trafficking cases, particularly in cases involving migrant children.

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