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Business Engagement

The New American Workforce advances our country and economy by bolstering the skills and career pathway potential of immigrant workers, meeting important business operational needs.

America’s economic growth and prosperity is inextricably linked to new Americans’ ability to acquire skills and opportunities to thrive. The Forum, through New American Workforce, seeks to advance the needs of the immigrant workforce by engaging corporations on federal policy and providing solutions for immigrant integration at the worksite.

As corporate leaders continue to recognize the value of their diverse workforce, the Forum is a trusted partner when major companies seek to advance services to support and advocate on behalf of their new American workforce.  Through this program, the Forum helps corporations speak to the value of immigrants and immigration so the goals and aspirations of the American worker and their family are served.

New American Workforce was inspired by Bethlehem Steel, the Pennsylvania-based company that built iconic American infrastructure, such as the Golden Gate Bridge and the Chrysler Building. In 1915, it was one of the first U.S. employers to provide free English language lessons to its immigrant workforce.

Join the Program:

English At Work:  We work with businesses to provide industry-contextualized English language training as a solution for employees looking to build work site skills and unlock career pathways. This training is customizable, offered in-person or through live online instruction, and has an online tool for employees to access learning as it fits their schedules.

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Corporate Roundtable: We convene some of the nation’s leading corporations from a diverse set of industries to advance strategies that integrate new Americans into the U.S. labor market and improve their opportunities to thrive.

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Citizenship: We work with businesses to assist their eligible immigrant employees with the citizenship process through the worksite, so they can become full participants in the workplace, their community and our economy.  Employees have access to a secure online portal and vetted legal review to complete their citizenship applications at their own convenience.

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Read our blogs to hear from our business partners and employee participants!

“In the two years of the project, we haven’t lost a single team member who participated in the English program. We’ve even seen many associates gain the confidence and skills needed to apply for and receive promotions.” – Mark Wilkins, Regional Trainer, Whole Foods Market


Read more about Overview of New American Workforce


Overview of New American Workforce

Read more about Corporate Roundtable for the New American Workforce


Corporate Roundtable for the New American Workforce

Read more about Upskilling New Americans: Innovative English Training for Career Advancement


Upskilling New Americans: Innovative English Training for Career Advancement