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Natural Allies for Immigration Reform

Bibles, Badges and Business for Immigration Reform (BBB) is a network of moderate and conservative faith, law enforcement, national security, business and other leaders working to establish a new consensus on the value of immigrants and immigration to America.

These allies have seen the changing face of America and desire changes to U.S. immigration policy that will strengthen their communities and help new Americans attain the opportunities, skills and status to reach their fullest potential.

Most Americans agree that the U.S. immigration system is broken, but there is less agreement about how our immigration system should work. Our outdated legal immigration system undermines respect for the rule of law. Whenever particular laws are largely ignored and unenforced, the law itself begins to lose its meaning. The best way to address this problem is to reform the legal immigration system, adjusting laws so that they are just and can be consistently enforced in ways that are both humane and economically constructive.

A well-functioning immigration system would recognize the dignity of every migrant, recognize our country’s need for safety and security, honor the rule of law, show compassion and maximize the benefits of immigration both for the United States and for immigrants themselves.

The National Immigration Forum’s new updated principles elevate our nation’s security, economic strength and compassion. We believe these are vital principles for any leader working for an orderly, secure and humane immigration system. 

For a better immigration system in the United States, we must:

  1. Enable fair and orderly legal immigration that continues to solidify our global economic leadership. Modernize laws to reduce backlogs and improve work visa programs for current and future workers.
  2. Address the need for safety and security on the border and in our communities. Promote community trust and safety by: Focusing immigration enforcement on threats to public safety and national security and ensuring that immigration enforcement remains primarily a federal responsibility.
  3. Strengthen our security, economy and leadership in the world as a welcoming nation that offers protection and refuge to the persecuted through well-vetted, orderly pathways.
  4. Respect the human dignity of every individual and preserve the sanctity of the family unit, even as border security and immigration enforcement increase.
  5. Promote the rule of law by allowing longtime residents an opportunity to earn lawful status and eventual citizenship — including Dreamers, who already are deeply rooted here and are contributing as business owners and workers.
  6. Defend the longstanding constitutional principle of birthright citizenship and protect family-based immigration as a core aspect of our national values. 

Click here to show your support for our Immigration Principles for a Stronger America.

For questions or to get further involved with the Bibles, Badges, and Business network, please contact


Read more about Bibles, Badges and Business Principles


Bibles, Badges and Business Principles

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Let's Talk Immigration: Gabriela Johnson

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Oklahoma Convening on Immigration and Faith