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Veterans for New Americans: Policy Priorities

Veterans for New Americans (VNA) advocates for policies that promote and protect the contributions of immigrants in the military, veterans, and their families. As veterans, we support these policies because they are the right thing to do for our national security, the future of our military, and our nation’s military service members and veterans.

1. Military Service Member and Veteran Naturalization:

Support policies that facilitate and promote access to naturalization for immigrants in the military, veterans, and their families. Naturalization serves as an effective tool for immigrant integration, economic advancement, and protection from deportation. Naturalization also reduces international legal problems for military members.

2. Permanent Solution for Dreamers: 

Advocate for a permanent, legislative solution for Dreamers that allows them to serve in the military, thereby expanding the pool of applicants eligible for military service.

3. Iraqi and Afghan Special Immigrant Visas (SIVs):

Ensure Congress authorizes sufficient Special Immigrant Visas (SIV) for Iraqi and Afghan nationals and their families who were employed by/on behalf of the U.S. government, allowing them to come to America. Ensure the State Department issues their visas timely.

4. Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest (MAVNI):

Support policies that assist qualified MAVNI enlistees, including Dreamers, who are currently serving in the military and restore the MAVNI program so that the U.S. Armed Forces can access this pool of highly qualified recruits.

5. Immigrant Spouses and Immediate Family of Military Service Members and Veterans:

Support policies that protect spouses and other immediate family of military service members and veterans from deportation, including through the use of Parole in Place (PIP) and Deferred Action (DA). Support policies that ensure the speedy recognition of the citizenship of children born overseas to U.S. military members and their families and/or the speedy naturalization of the children.


Please contact if you would like any more information and/or are interested in partnering with us on these efforts.

Learn More

Read more about Naturalizations in the Military: A Recent Decline

Fact Sheet

Naturalizations in the Military: A Recent Decline

Read more about Essentials of Naturalization for Military Service Members and Veterans

Fact Sheet

Essentials of Naturalization for Military Service Members and Veterans

Read more about For Love of Country: New Americans Serving in our Armed Forces


For Love of Country: New Americans Serving in our Armed Forces