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The Skills and Training to Thrive

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Skills and Workforce Development


“In rising tech hubs including Salt Lake City and Provo, Utah, entrepreneurs are having difficulty hiring talented people due to the shortage of STEM graduates.Tweet: In rising tech hubs, entrepreneurs have difficulty hiring people due to a shortage of STEM graduates #Immigration2020 The number of Americans studying in STEM fields is growing less than one percent per year”. — Jesus Loya, former DREAMer

In 2014, 39 percent of U.S. employers reported difficulty filling jobs due to lack of available talent.[1],Tweet: 39% of US employers reported difficulty filling jobs due to lack of available talent. #Immigration can help fix that: Employers and employees agree that everyone in the labor force needs access to the appropriate knowledge and skills — whether basic, middle, or high — to fill economic needs,  which also helps individuals achieve their own career goals.

Audrey Singer. U.S. Immigration Demographics and Immigrant Integration.
Innovative public-private partnerships and other programs that engage businesses, colleges and universities, faith-based institutions and community-based organizations can make necessary strategic investments in education and training to help immigrants reach their fullest potential. New Americans with the skills for the jobs of today and the economy of tomorrow contribute to a globally competitive workforce.Tweet: Ensuring #newAmericans have the skills for the jobs of today & the economy of tomorrow builds a competitive workforce


Read our latest paper: Skills and Training for New Americans: Creating a Thriving Economy That Works for All of Us.

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