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New Survey: Strong Majority of Americans Want Solutions from Candidates   

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Ahead of tomorrow’s debate, new polling shows that Americans prefer political candidates who focus on solutions for our immigration system rather than employ negative rhetoric about immigrants.  

In a Bullfinch Group and National Immigration Forum survey of 1,200 adults, including 1,000 registered voters, about two-thirds of participants said they’d prefer “a candidate who focuses on solutions and says things like ‘we need to modernize our immigration system so that legal, hard-working migrants can legally come to our country, work and be a part of the American dream.’”  

Fewer than 1 in 5 said they’d prefer “a candidate who uses dehumanizing language against immigrants and says things like ‘we need to round up illegal aliens and deport them all from our country.’”  

Republican voters, too, preferred candidates focused on solutions. 

“Support for solutions-focused candidates is strong among Republicans and Democrats alike,” said Jennie Murray, President and CEO of the National Immigration Forum. “Most Americans know we need tangible solutions that strengthen our country. They are not interested in fearmongering. 

“Candidates should come to the table ready for a productive conversation on the border and immigration, one that combines security and compassion.” 

Polling crosstabs are available for all adults and a subset of registered voters

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