The National Immigration Forum’s Map to Success is an interactive tool, providing immigrants and other workers with information on select career paths in the U.S. The map lists jobs with the greatest shortages, highlighting occupations with potential for career advancement. We aim to assist American employers recruit workers to fill job shortages, and thus help to enhance our overall economic well-being.
Click on the shaded states to access information about immigrants, job shortages, and requirements for occupational licenses for the jobs that are in the highest demand in the state.*
*For the purpose of this mapping tool, middle skill jobs are defined as occupations for which the candidate needs a license, certification, training or other education higher than high school diploma but lower than bachelor’s degree.
**The National Immigration Forum would like to thank former policy interns Micayla Burrows, Chiara Girardi, Cecile Ruthiririza, and Neel Agarwal for their extensive contributions to the Map to Success, and most recently Rachael Riebe for the revised and update version announced in January of 2022.