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Ridesharing Company, San Francisco

Honoree, Keepers of the American Dream

Lyft was founded in 2012 by Logan Green and John Zimmer to improve people’s lives with the world’s best transportation and is available to 95 percent of the United States population as well as select cities in Canada. We celebrate Lyft’s commitment to the nation’s immigrants and their immigrant workers. Last year Lyft celebrated the diversity of their drivers through an online storytelling campaign called, “America is an idea, not a geography” and the donation of $150,000 in ride credits to immigrant-serving organizations. In addition, Lyft offered English classes through the Forum’s contextualized English program, Skills and Opportunity for the New American Workforce, and online access to Duolingo. We applaud their commitment to amplifying positive stories about the contributions of immigrants in our communities and ensuring their drivers have the skills they need to thrive.

Learn more about Lyft’s positive impact on “Only in America”


Learn More

Read more about Driving Success: Learning English with Lyft


Driving Success: Learning English with Lyft

Read more about Haiti Crisis Warrants Administration’s Expansion of Protections

Press Release

Haiti Crisis Warrants Administration’s Expansion of Protections

Read more about Legislative Bulletin — Friday, June 28, 2024

Legislative Bulletin

Legislative Bulletin — Friday, June 28, 2024