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JD Vance and Tim Walz on Key Immigration Policy Areas 

Learn more about JD Vance and Tim Walz's positions on key immigration policy areas.

Border security and “shutting down” the U.S.-Mexico border.

Vance: Yes 

Vance has stressed the need for strong border security, particularly advocating for the completion of the border wall and supporting Trump’s proposal to “close the border.”  He stated, “the disruptions of having a flood of people come in is much worse than the disruption of having a wall.” Vance is also seeking to extend the power of the executive branch in shaping border policy, claiming that “the courts have made it pretty clear that the president has complete control over border policy.”  

In the Senate, Vance sponsored legislation to permit state governments to erect their own temporary protective fencing against migrants and co-sponsored multiple bills that would effectively close the border to asylum seekers while funding the construction of the border wall

Walz: Yes

Walz infamously called Trump’s efforts to direct military funding towards the construction of a border wall “stupid” in 2018. On the campaign trail in 2024, instead of constructing a wall, he has asserted that border security is best accomplished through “using electronics…[and] more border control agents” and “by having a legal system that allows for that tradition of allowing folks to come here.” But Walz has expressed support for Biden-Harris executive actions that largely suspend the entry of migrants and asylum seekers at the southern border and has characterized the provisions included in the failed Senate bill on border security, including drastic limits on asylum, as the “right tools” for addressing border security. 

Uses dangerous rhetoric to disparage immigrants.  

Vance: Yes  

JD Vance’s rhetoric against immigrants is both inflammatory and dangerous. He has repeatedly made false claims about Haitian migrants in Springfield, OH, saying “people have had their pets abducted and eaten by people who shouldn’t be in this country.” This racially charged attack on the migrant community of Springfield has resulted in widespread fear and insecurity, and Vance has refused to back down on his claims.  

Vance frequently employs “invasion” rhetoric, as he describes the situation at the southern border as a “historic invasion” and  argues “we need to deport every single person who invaded our country illegally.” As a senator, he co-sponsored legislation encouraging state governors to “repel the dangerous ongoing invasion across the United States southern border.” He alleged that “Democrats flooded this country with millions of illegal aliens,” alluding to debunked non-citizen voting conspiracies. He further stirred xenophobic fears by comparing modern immigration to past waves of Italian, Irish, and German immigrants, opining that “you had higher crime rates, you had these ethnic enclaves, you had inter-ethnic conflict in the country where you really hadn’t had that before.”  

Walz: No 

Tim Walz does not engage in dangerous rhetoric surrounding immigrants. Instead, as governor of Minnesota, he supported policies to help new immigrants “feel welcome” in the state. On the campaign trail, he has criticized Vance for his “vicious, hurtful lies” about Haitian migrants. 

Dignified treatment of asylum seekers.  

Vance: No 

Vance has been sharply critical of the number of asylum seekers admitted to the U.S. under Biden and has suggested that a Trump-Vance administration would treat these individuals as “illegal aliens.” In May 2024, Vance directed a letter to the Department of Justice criticizing it for “not faithfully carrying out its legal duties to protect American workers from employment practices that privilege asylum seekers…over American citizens.” Vance echoed a familiar Republican argument about job security and economic competition from immigrants, but his claims oversimplify labor market dynamics, scapegoating asylum seekers. 

Walz: Yes 

Walz has consistently advocated for the humane treatment of asylum seekers and opposed policies that compromise their rights. In Congress, Walz co-sponsored the Keep Families Together Act to prevent family separation at the border and has been a vocal critic of family separation policies, describing them as “immoral” and “barbaric.”  Walz has also called for more efficient processing of asylum claims, suggesting a 90-day adjudication period to reduce the lengthy wait times asylum seekers often face, asserting that that the United States should remain a “guiding light” for those seeking asylum. 

However, as mentioned above, Walz has endorsed the failed Senate bill from early 2024, which includes significant restrictions on asylum availability. 

Mass deportation of undocumented immigrants in the U.S.  

Vance: Yes 

Vance has expressed his support for mass deportation. He has emphasized the need for strict enforcement of immigration laws, stating, “You cannot have a border unless you’re willing to deport some people.” His stance has become increasingly uncompromising, as he has declared , “We need to deport every single person who invaded our country illegally.” While Vance has indicated a prioritization of deporting violent criminals, saying “[l]et’s start with 1 million,” his overall rhetoric suggests a broader aim of wide-spread deportations.  

Walz: No 

Walz has ardently opposed mass deportation policies and has instead advocated for policies that enable undocumented immigrants to participate and contribute. As governor of Minnesota, he signed several pieces of legislation to help integrate and support undocumented residents, including access to drivers licenses, free tuition at state universities, public healthcare, and insurance. 

End birthright citizenship.  

Vance: Yes 

Vance has voiced support for Trump’s vow to end birthright citizenship, adding, “You can’t have someone who breaks the law to come into the country and then they give birth and now their child has permanent rights to American citizenship.” In the Senate, Vance co-sponsored legislation in 2024 to end birthright citizenship by “clarifying” categories of “disloyal or disobedient aliens” to include children born to parents who are unlawfully present in the U.S.  

Walz: No 

When Trump suggested ending birthright citizenship in 2018, undermining the 14th Amendment, Walz sharply responded that the “president does not have the right to change the constitution” and characterized Trump’s suggestion as part of “the politics of fear and division.” 

Protect and support DACA and Dreamers.  


In 2023, Vance spearheaded a Senate bill aimed at stripping DACA recipients of their access to coverage under the Affordable Care Act, arguing that taxpayers “should never be forced to cover the cost of healthcare for illegal immigrants.” While many Republicans support finding solutions to protect Dreamers, Vance has instead focused on restricting their access to public health benefits. 


Walz has unfailingly demonstrated strong support for DACA recipients throughout his political career. During his tenure in Congress, Walz was a vocal advocate for Dreamers, co-sponsoring several key pieces of legislation aimed at codifying protections for and empowering DACA recipients.  In 2021, he penned a letter to Congressional leadership advocating for a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers.   

As governor of Minnesota, Walz took concrete steps to improve the lives of Dreamers in his state by signing legislation granting approximately 81,000 undocumented immigrants in Minnesota, many of whom are DACA recipients, access to driver’s licenses and free college tuition. This move aligned Minnesota with 18 other states and Washington D.C., all of which enacted similar measures. Walz has expressed his belief that Dreamers are an integral part of American society, stating unequivocally that they “are Americans” and that “this is their home.” 

Vance: Mixed 

While Vance staunchly opposes illegal immigration, he claims to support legal immigration pathways. He has repeatedly emphasized the need for immigrants to come through the “right channels”. Nonetheless, in the Senate, he has not supported any legislation to strengthen legal immigration pathways. Vance has claimed that “we can be pro-immigration, and we can recognize the great contributions that immigrants have made to this country” while simultaneously employing vitriolic rhetoric against immigrants.  He underscored that “we, of course, want to be welcoming to immigration, but legal immigrants and not illegal immigration.” 

Walz: Yes 

Walz, has long demonstrated support for legal immigration, as a congressman and later as governor of Minnesota. In Congress, Walz co-sponsored the Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2017, which aimed to eliminate per-country caps on employment-based immigrant visas. This legislation would have reduced backlogs and created a more equitable system for skilled workers seeking permanent residency in the U.S., underscoring Walz’s commitment to expanding legal pathways. 

Walz has also been vocal in dispelling myths about immigrants’ economic impact. He explained that the argument that immigrants “are using public services and not paying back is absolutely false” and is instead “meant to discredit immigrants”.  

Support refugee resettlement and other humanitarian programs. 

Vance: No 

As a candidate for Senate, Vance strongly opposed the U.S. accepting “tens of thousands of poorly vetted Afghan refugees,” casting unwarranted skepticism on their claims of persecution and their affiliation with the U.S. government. Contrary to Vance’s assertions, the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program enforces stringent vetting procedures for all refugees, including Afghans. Subsequently, Vance has continued to raise concerns about refugee vetting in 2024, expressing continuing skepticism about security risks posed by individuals entering the U.S. through the refugee resettlement process. 

Further reflecting his opposition to humanitarian immigration programs, Vance co-sponsored legislation aiming to restrict the executive branch’s parole authority. He has continued to call TPS recipients and parolees “illegal aliens,” disregarding their protected status and calling for their deportation. 

Walz: Yes 

Following Trump’s 2019 executive order requiring state and local consent for refugee resettlement, Walz promptly granted consent as governor of for the continued participation of Minnesota. He emphasized the significant contributions refugees make across various sectors in Minnesota, proclaiming the “inn is not full,” in a letter to the Trump administration. 

In a subsequent 2021 letter to congressional leadership, Walz advocated for a pathway to citizenship for TPS holders by arguing that they “have enriched and strengthened Minnesota’s cities, schools, businesses, congregations and families” and that it is “a moral imperative” to “enact bipartisan legislation that replaces fear and uncertainty with permanent protection for these individuals.” During his time in Congress, Walz co-sponsored bills to grant renewable protective status to TPS and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) recipients and supported legislation to prevent the deportation of non-citizen veterans

Immigration Bills Sponsored in Congress 


  • Sponsor 
  • S.3915 — No Community Development Block Grants for Sanctuary Cities Act 
  • S.3668 — State Border Security Act 
  • S.3516 — A bill to impose a fee on certain remittance transfers to fund border security. 
  • S.2656 — Timely Departure Act 
  • Co-sponsor 
  • S.4364 — Reshape Alternatives to Detention Act of 2024 
  • S.3933 — Laken Riley Act 
  • S.3587 — Mandatory Removal Proceedings Act 
  • S.3187 — Southern Border Transparency Act of 2023 
  • S.2983 — Schools Not Shelters Act 
  • S.2824 — Secure the Border Act of 2023 
  • S.1843 — End Child Trafficking Now Act 
  • S.696 — Border Safety and Security Act of 2023 
  • S.505 — Immigration Parole Reform Act of 2023 
  • S.Res.362 — A resolution to express the sense of the Senate regarding the constitutional right of State Governors to repel the dangerous ongoing invasion across the United States southern border. 


  • Co-sponsor 
  • H.R.6135 — Keep Families Together Act 
  • H.R.4384 — ASPIRE-TPS Act of 2017 
  • H.R.4253 — American Promise Act of 2017 
  • H.R.3591 — American Hope Act of 2017 
  • H.R.1405 — Veterans Visa and Protection Act of 2017 
  • H.R.858 — DREAMers, Immigrants, and Refugees (DIRe) Legal Aid Act 
  • H.R.392 — Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2017 
  • H.Res.927 — Condemning the Trump administration’s zero tolerance policy. 

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