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Press Release

House Republicans’ Petition Would Force Vote on Immigration Bills

WASHINGTON, D.C. — This morning a group of Republican congressmen, led by Rep. Carlos Curbelo of Florida, introduced a discharge petition in an effort to provide a legislative solution for Dreamers.

If successful, the petition would force a vote on four immigration bills by bringing the “Queen of the Hill” rule, introduced by Reps. Carlos Curbelo (R-Florida), Jeff Denham (R-California) and Will Hurd (R-Texas) to the House floor. The rule would lead to votes on four bills, including two that are bipartisan: a clean Dream Act, and a version of the USA Act, introduced by Reps. Will Hurd (R-Texas) and Pete Aguilar (D-California).

Ali Noorani, Executive Director of the National Immigration Forum, said, “With the Trump administration attacking legal immigration, Republicans in Congress must lead the way to a solution for Dreamers. This discharge petition should not have been necessary, but it is a positive step. Representatives Curbelo, Denham, Hurd and other Republicans deserve credit for their leadership. The livelihoods and contributions of hundreds of thousands of taxpayers are at stake.

“Congress should move forward with debate and votes on measures that offer solutions and stability for Dreamers, our borders and American workers.”


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Fact Sheet

Ficha Informativa: Aplicación CBP One